Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Verdict is in and the "to do" list

The birds do not like our red siding or our front deck/porch or the back deck either, for that matter!

 I had some violas in pots sitting on the front porch - I pulled the flowers inside b/c of our recent coldspell.  The robins liked to sit on them and their thing.
 Yes.  The big wooden bear is still there.  Please do not mention it.  (Or maybe if you see my hubby you could tell him that you think it would look so much better in the back yard?)   Do you see all of the bird droppings?  Lovely, huh?
 They also apparently like to sit on my old wooden chair and mark their territory as well.
See.  I don't think that they like the red.  We should have gone with white - would've been less expensive too.  I gotta get it cleaned up.  We're thinking about getting some rubber snakes to try to scare the robins away.

This week is a silly crazy week.  And for some stupid reason I am stressing.  I really shouldn't be stressing because none of it is super important, but none-the-less ...   I am.

I could write out the list but seriously none of it is important.  We have some family get togethers for Easter - one of them is here.  So I want to clean and prep and grocery shop for that.  The 2 main guys in my life have birthdays coming up and we I am planning a "knight" party for one.  I have ideas just swimming in my head of projects I would love to accomplish.

In the whole scheme of things none of them are super important.  Just a list of wants.  I mean, who cares if my house is spotless for Easter?  It's my parents who are coming and they will love me no matter what.  Who cares if there is poop on my front porch or siding?

What matters is that my family feels loved and that we celebrate and relish in the true meaning of this holiday: the death and resurrection of Jesus.  That He paid the price for my sin, He died and rose again!  That ultimate gift.

2000 years ago God's To Do list was:
   1.  Be betrayed by close friend
   2.  Be beaten up, whipped and spat upon
   3.  Be forgotten by my closest friends
   4.  Be nailed to a cross
   5.  Take on the sins of all mankind
   6.  Die
   7.  Rise Again

My to do list seems pretty small in comparison.  Helps to put it all in perspective.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed like me may you be able to put it all into perspective.  May our lists seem smaller and more manageable right now.  May we concentrate on what it is we are celebrating this weekend.

Live Big!

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