I was given this above plaque by Dayspring to review.
I love it and no, Dayspring didn't pay me to say that. :) This plaque has a "mottled" or "marbled" look to it. It has Phillipians 4:13 on it - which is a favorite verse of so many. I personally love how the artist emphasized "HIM". :) I didn't measure it - but I would guesstimate that it is about 12in x 12in. It is easy to see from across the room to act as ready reminder of where our strength does come from. It is going in our red room.
Now on to how I royally messed up. I was supposed to review this product a couple of weeks ago and misread that part. Yep. MESSED UP! I kept putting it off because I wanted to show it off all hung on the wall in all of it's glory. If you remember I've said this in the past that to my darling husband that most projects are team projects. To him, hanging things on the wall is at least a 2 person project. One person to hold the item in place while the other person says "no, a little higher and the left". So I couldn't just hang it without risking the wrath of ROD. So, this month has been crazy for us (like it is all of the time for all of us). It didn't get done. I had been thinking that it should go near our computer but then thought it fit the style of the red room better.
Sorry for the blur - this back wall is where the infamous scoreboard will go someday SOON! |
The red room. The red room is in the basement and is adjacent to the playroom which runs the length of a good portion of our house.
Right now the red room has an extra TV in it and a play tent and a couch. Oh, and some cool antiques. The kids consider it to be part of their play room but eventually the red room will be more of a media room. Right now it is a nice place for them to play when it is nasty outside or maybe this summer when it is miserable hot.
So, anyway I screwed up. But go check out Dayspring and all of the cool products that they have and no they are not paying me to say that.

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