Thursday, February 23, 2012


Last night.

Last night I spoke.  In front of a room full of women.  Over 100 women.  (i didn't count them...sorry)  I would have felt more at ease teaching them about Psychology.  I would have rather spoken to over 1000 college age/teens....  There were women that I know ...a wee little bit....they might know me ...a wee little bit.  I was asked to share about what God did in our journey with Maggie's cancer.  I was apprehensive.  Not about telling about God's BIGNESS but about telling of ME.  It is one thing to talk of God or some school subject or to use a video series and then bring discussion from it.  But this was personal and it was "in person".  Soo different from being personal on a blog or a Caringbridge journal.

So, I shared about what God taught me about faith and about what HE did.

And           HE          showed            UP.

I think (hope and pray) that God's BIGness and LOVE were felt.

Here is one of the things that God taught me ....


It is not enough to say that we have faith we must act it out.  We must take that step forward.  Do that thing that might make us feel or look silly but God is still calling us into.  Whether it is believing that God is going to heal my daughter of stage 4 cancer when the odds aren't necessarily in our favor or sending a note to someone that is going thru a rough time that God is letting you get out of your mind...


I think Faith should be considered a verb.

More thoughts on faith to come...

P.S.  How "silly" are you willing to look in your faith?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Rachel. It was what we all needed to hear. Our God is BIG and wants for us to ask...He will show up, and show off! :)


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